Hello everyone! Here is the 2023 Cup Series Regular Season carset.
A big thank you goes out to Rishabh, NCRDesigns, Stiggy, ItsAwesome, and anyone else who I haven't mentioned. This was designed using NCRD's modification of the FCRD templates. Ratings are my custom formula, which was based on Dooper and AI Line's ratings with my own spin.
Big thank you to everyone who stepped up when I went down due to work, streaming on Twitch (https://twitch.tv/girlwiththesquirtletattoo), and other projects. Here is my thank you: a beautiful cover photo featuring my Final Four prediction for the 2023 season!
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/b8wd167xdaae1hduld59f/2023-Regular-Season.zip?rlkey=djvof3ktpts8hlzd41xbnaffo&dl=0 - Feel free to go get this wonderful set, all compiled in one place!
We will also have a playoff set rated based on only the playoffs, then an altogether set rated on the full season. Thank you all so much!